自然 & Soc. 科学


  • 博士,科罗拉多州立大学柯林斯堡分校
  • MS,科罗拉多州立大学柯林斯堡分校
  • 哈佛大学AB


教授地球 & 环境科学


For someone who loves to learn and think about new ideas as much as I do, I have the perfect job.

By training, I am an atmospheric scientist, so I think and teach a lot about the weather. 当我还在读研究生的时候, I was stationed on a Chinese research ship in the South China Sea for three weeks to launch weather balloons for a field experiment on the monsoon. That got me really interested in tropical weather, which is what I study in my scientific research.

But I have also spent countless hours reading and learning about global climate change over the last 15 years, 所以我也教这个. While I’m interested in the science of climate change, 可以肯定的是, 我对政治也很感兴趣, 经济学, and the ethics of how we as a global community approach the solution. 所以我也会阅读和思考这些问题, 并将它们融入到我的课堂中, into research projects with students and into invited talks to the public.

Then there’s my obsession with food justice, healthy eating, and growing food organically. I teach about these subjects too, in my first-year Perspectives seminar. I also have a really strong interest in keeping up with what’s going on in natural gas fracking, 能源法案, Keystone XL输油管道, 可再生能源, 校园的可持续发展, 以及化石燃料撤资运动, and I incorporate these current topics into my environmental science courses.

所以对我来说, teaching and doing research in Susquehanna’s Department of Earth and 环境科学s is the perfect job. 我有探索的自由, 还有我的学生, the most pressing environmental issues we face today. My goal is to inspire my students to be successful scientists as well as engaged global citizens.


Haertel P., K. 斯特劳布和A. Budsock: Transforming circumnavigating Kelvin waves that initiate and dissipate the Madden Julian Oscillation. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological 社会 (News).

Kiladis G. N., J. 迪亚斯,K. H. Straub, M. C. 惠勒,年代. N. Tulich K. 菊池,K. M. Weickmann和M. J. Ventrice, 2014: A comparison of OLR and circulation based indices for tracking the MJO. 每月天气报告, 142, 1697-1715.

Haertel P., K. 斯特劳布和A. Federov, 2013: Lagrangian overturning and the Madden Julian Oscillation. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological 社会, 140, 1344-1361.

Straub K. H., 2013: MJO initiation in the Realtime Multivariate MJO index. 气候杂志, 26, 1130-1151.

Straub K. H., P. T. Haertel和G. N. Kiladis, 2010: An analysis of convectively coupled Kelvin waves in 20 WCRP CMIP3 global coupled climate models. 气候杂志, 23, 3031-3056.

Haertel P. T.,和K. H. Straub, 2010: Simulating convectively coupled Kelvin waves using Lagrangian overturning for a convective parameterization. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological 社会, 136, 1598-1613.

Kiladis G. N., M. C. 惠勒,. T. Haertel K. H. 斯特劳布和P. E. Roundy, 2009: Convectively coupled equatorial waves, 地球物理学综述, 47, RG2003, doi:10.1029/2008RG000266.

Straub K. H., G. N. Kiladis和P. E. Ciesielski, 2006: The role of equatorial waves in the onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon and the demise of El Niño during 1998. 大气和海洋动力学; 42, 216-238, doi: 10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2006.02.005.

Kiladis G. N., K. H. 斯特劳布和P. T. Haertel, 2005: Zonal and vertical structure of the Madden-Julian Oscillation. 大气科学杂志, 62, 2790-2809.

Majda,. J., B. Khouider G. N. Kiladis K. H. 斯特劳布和M. G. 轴, 2004: A model for convectively coupled tropical waves: Nonlinearity, 旋转, 和观察结果的比较. 大气科学杂志, 61, 2188-2205.

Straub K. H.,和G. N. Kiladis, 2003: Extratropical forcing of convectively coupled Kelvin waves during austral winter. 大气科学杂志, 60, 526-543.

Straub K. H.,和G. N. Kiladis, 2003: Interactions between the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation and higher-frequency tropical wave activity. 每月天气报告, 131, 945-960.

Straub K. H.,和G. N. Kiladis, 2003: The observed structure of convectively coupled Kelvin waves: Comparison with simple models of coupled wave instability. 大气科学杂志, 60, 1655-1668.

Straub K. H.,和G. N. Kiladis, 2002: Observations of a convectively coupled Kelvin wave in the eastern Pacific ITCZ. 大气科学杂志, 59, 30-53.

Kiladis G. N., K. H. Straub G. C. 里德和K. S. 计, 2001: Aspects of interannual and intraseasonal variability of the tropopause and lower stratosphere. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological 社会, 127, 1961-1984.


· National 科学 Foundation ($61,045 to 浩博体育app; total funding $403,613). Collaborative Research: Lagrangian modeling of convectively coupled equatorial waves and the Madden-Julian Oscillation. Co-PIs: Patrick Haertel and Alexey Federov, Yale University. 2011年11月- 2015年10月.

· Interdisciplinary Teaching of Geoscience for a Sustainable Future (InTeGrate). 为“系统”提供旅行和会议支持, 社会, 可持续性, and the Geosciences” workshop at Carleton College, 诺思菲尔德, MN. 2012年7月.

·浩博体育app. 2011年春季获准休假.

·浩博体育app 学院奖学金 Committee ($1000). “Analysis of convectively coupled Kelvin waves in 20 WCRP CMIP3 models.“出版费用的小额资助. 2010年1月.

·浩博体育app 教师 Development and Research Committee ($4400). “Analysis of convectively coupled Kelvin waves in 20 WCRP CMIP3 models.2009年秋季课程发布.

·浩博体育app Summer Research Partners Program ($2860). 浩博体育app环境审计. 2008年夏天.

· National 科学 Foundation ($34,968 to 浩博体育app; total funding $339,035). Collaborative Research: Analysis and modeling of convectively coupled equatorial waves and the Madden-Julian Oscillation. 共同负责人:Patrick Haertel,耶鲁大学. 2005年10月至2009年9月.

·浩博体育app Summer Research Partners Program ($2500). Surface observations of the Madden-Julian Oscillation. 2004年夏天.

约翰·C. Horn Distinguished Service Award, 浩博体育app, May 2014.

浩博体育app “Whatever It Takes” (WIT) Award, 浩博体育app, December 2010.

Joel Cunningham Service-Learning 教师 of the Year, 浩博体育app, February 2009.

学生演讲奖,13th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, 美国气象学会, 出台, CO, 2001年6月.

马克斯·伊顿奖,23岁rd 飓风和热带气象会议, 美国气象学会, 达拉斯, TX, 1999年1月. Awarded to the student who presents the best paper (judged on content and presentation).

James Bryant Conant Prize, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, June 1993. 给学生谁, as part of the regularly assigned work in elementary General 教育 and Core Program courses in any of the natural sciences, submits one of the best essays on a subject of scientific interest.

  • EENV-240:气象学导论
  • EENV-510:高级课题1
  • EENV-511:高级项目2
  • EENV-560:独立学习
  • ENST-400: ENST顶点
  • prdv - 104:观点


For someone who loves to learn and think about new ideas as much as I do, I have the perfect job.

By training, I am an atmospheric scientist, so I think and teach a lot about the weather. 当我还在读研究生的时候, I was stationed on a Chinese research ship in the South China Sea for three weeks to launch weather balloons for a field experiment on the monsoon. That got me really interested in tropical weather, which is what I study in my scientific research.

But I have also spent countless hours reading and learning about global climate change over the last 15 years, 所以我也教这个. While I’m interested in the science of climate change, 可以肯定的是, 我对政治也很感兴趣, 经济学, and the ethics of how we as a global community approach the solution. 所以我也会阅读和思考这些问题, 并将它们融入到我的课堂中, into research projects with students and into invited talks to the public.

Then there’s my obsession with food justice, healthy eating, and growing food organically. I teach about these subjects too, in my first-year Perspectives seminar. I also have a really strong interest in keeping up with what’s going on in natural gas fracking, 能源法案, Keystone XL输油管道, 可再生能源, 校园的可持续发展, 以及化石燃料撤资运动, and I incorporate these current topics into my environmental science courses.

所以对我来说, teaching and doing research in Susquehanna’s Department of Earth and 环境科学s is the perfect job. 我有探索的自由, 还有我的学生, the most pressing environmental issues we face today. My goal is to inspire my students to be successful scientists as well as engaged global citizens.



Haertel P., K. 斯特劳布和A. Budsock: Transforming circumnavigating Kelvin waves that initiate and dissipate the Madden Julian Oscillation. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological 社会 (News).

Kiladis G. N., J. 迪亚斯,K. H. Straub, M. C. 惠勒,年代. N. Tulich K. 菊池,K. M. Weickmann和M. J. Ventrice, 2014: A comparison of OLR and circulation based indices for tracking the MJO. 每月天气报告, 142, 1697-1715.

Haertel P., K. 斯特劳布和A. Federov, 2013: Lagrangian overturning and the Madden Julian Oscillation. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological 社会, 140, 1344-1361.

Straub K. H., 2013: MJO initiation in the Realtime Multivariate MJO index. 气候杂志, 26, 1130-1151.

Straub K. H., P. T. Haertel和G. N. Kiladis, 2010: An analysis of convectively coupled Kelvin waves in 20 WCRP CMIP3 global coupled climate models. 气候杂志, 23, 3031-3056.

Haertel P. T.,和K. H. Straub, 2010: Simulating convectively coupled Kelvin waves using Lagrangian overturning for a convective parameterization. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological 社会, 136, 1598-1613.

Kiladis G. N., M. C. 惠勒,. T. Haertel K. H. 斯特劳布和P. E. Roundy, 2009: Convectively coupled equatorial waves, 地球物理学综述, 47, RG2003, doi:10.1029/2008RG000266.

Straub K. H., G. N. Kiladis和P. E. Ciesielski, 2006: The role of equatorial waves in the onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon and the demise of El Niño during 1998. 大气和海洋动力学; 42, 216-238, doi: 10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2006.02.005.

Kiladis G. N., K. H. 斯特劳布和P. T. Haertel, 2005: Zonal and vertical structure of the Madden-Julian Oscillation. 大气科学杂志, 62, 2790-2809.

Majda,. J., B. Khouider G. N. Kiladis K. H. 斯特劳布和M. G. 轴, 2004: A model for convectively coupled tropical waves: Nonlinearity, 旋转, 和观察结果的比较. 大气科学杂志, 61, 2188-2205.

Straub K. H.,和G. N. Kiladis, 2003: Extratropical forcing of convectively coupled Kelvin waves during austral winter. 大气科学杂志, 60, 526-543.

Straub K. H.,和G. N. Kiladis, 2003: Interactions between the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation and higher-frequency tropical wave activity. 每月天气报告, 131, 945-960.

Straub K. H.,和G. N. Kiladis, 2003: The observed structure of convectively coupled Kelvin waves: Comparison with simple models of coupled wave instability. 大气科学杂志, 60, 1655-1668.

Straub K. H.,和G. N. Kiladis, 2002: Observations of a convectively coupled Kelvin wave in the eastern Pacific ITCZ. 大气科学杂志, 59, 30-53.

Kiladis G. N., K. H. Straub G. C. 里德和K. S. 计, 2001: Aspects of interannual and intraseasonal variability of the tropopause and lower stratosphere. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological 社会, 127, 1961-1984.


· National 科学 Foundation ($61,045 to 浩博体育app; total funding $403,613). Collaborative Research: Lagrangian modeling of convectively coupled equatorial waves and the Madden-Julian Oscillation. Co-PIs: Patrick Haertel and Alexey Federov, Yale University. 2011年11月- 2015年10月.

· Interdisciplinary Teaching of Geoscience for a Sustainable Future (InTeGrate). 为“系统”提供旅行和会议支持, 社会, 可持续性, and the Geosciences” workshop at Carleton College, 诺思菲尔德, MN. 2012年7月.

·浩博体育app. 2011年春季获准休假.

·浩博体育app 学院奖学金 Committee ($1000). “Analysis of convectively coupled Kelvin waves in 20 WCRP CMIP3 models.“出版费用的小额资助. 2010年1月.

·浩博体育app 教师 Development and Research Committee ($4400). “Analysis of convectively coupled Kelvin waves in 20 WCRP CMIP3 models.2009年秋季课程发布.

·浩博体育app Summer Research Partners Program ($2860). 浩博体育app环境审计. 2008年夏天.

· National 科学 Foundation ($34,968 to 浩博体育app; total funding $339,035). Collaborative Research: Analysis and modeling of convectively coupled equatorial waves and the Madden-Julian Oscillation. 共同负责人:Patrick Haertel,耶鲁大学. 2005年10月至2009年9月.

·浩博体育app Summer Research Partners Program ($2500). Surface observations of the Madden-Julian Oscillation. 2004年夏天.

约翰·C. Horn Distinguished Service Award, 浩博体育app, May 2014.

浩博体育app “Whatever It Takes” (WIT) Award, 浩博体育app, December 2010.

Joel Cunningham Service-Learning 教师 of the Year, 浩博体育app, February 2009.

学生演讲奖,13th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, 美国气象学会, 出台, CO, 2001年6月.

马克斯·伊顿奖,23岁rd 飓风和热带气象会议, 美国气象学会, 达拉斯, TX, 1999年1月. Awarded to the student who presents the best paper (judged on content and presentation).

James Bryant Conant Prize, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, June 1993. 给学生谁, as part of the regularly assigned work in elementary General 教育 and Core Program courses in any of the natural sciences, submits one of the best essays on a subject of scientific interest.


  • EENV-240:气象学导论
  • EENV-510:高级课题1
  • EENV-511:高级项目2
  • EENV-560:独立学习
  • ENST-400: ENST顶点
  • prdv - 104:观点